Our Patches

The main colors used in our patches are Navy Blue, Royal Blue & White

The name
ARRESTING SOULS represents all active Law Enforcement Officers around
the world as well as those who have passed before us.

Arresting:  A function that Law Enforcement Officers perform on a daily basis
throughout their careers.

Souls:  The soul is thought to consist of one’s thoughts and personality. It can be
synonymous with the spirit, mind or self.
In theology the soul is often believed to live on after a person’s death.

Center Patch

The skull is representative of the human being without emphasis on any  
particular characteristics.

The skull wears an eight point style police hat which is worn by many
Police Department members throughout the country.

The skull rests at the crossing point of two revolvers. Revolvers were the
weapon of choice for Law Enforcement prior to the introduction of semi
automatic handguns.

Wrapped around the revolver barrels are a pair of leg irons. Leg irons are
used on a daily basis in the arresting and transportation of prisoners.

A blue badge is positioned between the butts of the revolvers.
A red rose is held tightly in the teeth of the skull.

The Blue Badge and Red Rose are displayed in memory of all Law
Enforcement Officers killed in the line of duty.

1*/ logo is rapidly becoming the de facto symbol of law enforcement special operations,
the  1*/   logo is steeped in heraldry:

For those who make uneducated comments about this patch,          we wear !!

We are law enforcement officers and have no desire to be 1% Er's, Nor are we !!

The 1 stands for the individual officer wearing the patch.

The * is an asterisk and stands
for "Ass to risk".

The  \  is the thin blue line of law enforcement.

So, it means
"You have one ass to risk for the thin blue line"

when read as a symbol.
There are several
variations of the patch,

one for fire fighters with a red line,

one for military with a green
line and so on.

I hope this clears up any misconceptions anyone may have !!!  

Isn't a 1% Er patch  !!!!
All logos and the name ARRESTING SOULS MC are registered marks with the United States Patent and Trademark office.
This website and images contained herein are property of the Arresting Souls MC and their use shall not be granted without the expressed written consent of the Arresting Souls MC  Foundering Chapter.