History The Arresting Souls Motorcycle Club was founded on March 1st 2009. The Club is built on a foundation of excellence and professionalism,it is a brotherhood of Law Enforcement Officers that is second to none. The name and design were decided by the Clubs Founder. A detailed drawing of the center patch was completed with the help of the Founders tattoo artist. He then scanned it into a jpeg format at which time the colors went to production.. On April 10th 2009 a Trademark application was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington, D.C. For both our Name and Center Patch design. On March 9th 2010, the Arresting Souls name and center patch became a registered collective mark with the U.S.P.T.O. It was approximately the month of June 2012 when we emailed the President of the founding chapter. We informed him that we were retired Police Officers out of the Bronx, New York and were looking to start a Chapter of the Arresting Souls. After several email's, we finally connected and made arrangements to meet in Connecticut. Angel and Ricky then headed for Connecticut to meet with the ASMC and get to know each other. As the weather began getting cooler, we made numerous trips to Connecticut to tie up any loose ends and spend time with our Connecticut brothers. On December 8, 2012, we received our Charter at the ASMC annual Christmas Party. After a great ceremony we were patched in to the finest law enforcement motorcycle club in existence. The party was great !!! NY President Badangell |